It is NOT About ‘Gay’ Marriage: It Is ALL About Destroying The First Amendment!

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The Supreme Court is set to decide whether or not there is a Constitutionally protected right to ‘gay’ marriage, but this is not what is actually being decided.  What is really being decided is whether or not rights can contradict.  The goal is to establish that rights can contradict because it opens the door for government to decide which rights take precedence over others.  I have already explained why rights cannot contradict and why.  This then begs the question as to why the Courts would even consider this case about ‘gay’ marriage.  The answer is simple: this is not about rights.  That claim is just propaganda aimed at creating an emotional appeal so you will not use reason to examine what is really happening.  However, if you can set the emotion aside and look at what is actually happening, you will quickly see that this is about giving the government a path to destroy the First Amendment!

The process is simple: if there is a ‘right’ to ‘gay’ marriage, then it suddenly becomes a ‘hate’ crime to oppose ‘gay’ marriage in any form.  This opens the door to the destruction of faith-based organizations.  It will not matter whether they are churches or businesses, they will have to comply with the government dictates or be shut down.  But it goes further than that.  If you are a doctor but disagree with homosexuality, you could lose your job.  Same for lawyers, firemen, police officers: anyone who disagrees with homosexuality will be at risk of government persecution.

You see, what the Supreme Court is actually about to rule on is whether or not the government has the authority to define bigotry and then use that as a justification to persecute anyone who has just been declared a bigot.  This is one of the reasons I write so much about language, both here, but especially on my other blog, The OYL.  If the government is allowed to redefine the meaning of words at will, then it does not matter what the law says: it will change according to the whims of the government.  This is the very definition of tyranny.  Yet, this is what the Supreme Court is about to decide: whether or not the government has dictatorial powers.

If you doubt me, consider this: what happens is someone you disagree with politically gets into power?  And once in power, that person reverses the definitions of words?  And hatred is suddenly defined as anyone who opposes Islam?  It may not bother you that Jews and Christians will still be persecuted, but now, so will homosexuals.  Yes, the court and law will still say you cannot ‘discriminate’ because of homosexuality, but the government will have just put the rights of Muslims over those of homosexuals.  So now, where the law will allow homosexuals to claim their rights over those of Christians, it will also support the rights of Muslims to exercise their rights over both homosexuals and Christians.  Now, just in case you do not understand what this means, I’ll explain: it means Christians will have to either convert to Islam, pay a punitive tax or die.  However, homosexuals only have one option — to die!

There are other scenarios that I could use to illustrate how this will work, but the point is this: it is not about ‘gay’ marriage, it is about opening a path to destroy the First Amendment.  It is about destroying the right to conscience, and by extension, freedom of expression. It is about the Supreme Court finally handing the government dictatorial powers as a matter of law.  But understand, if the Court does this, it will actually be destroying the law.  So this ruling is not about ‘gay’ rights: it is about the final destruction of the U.S. Constitution — period!

11 thoughts on “It is NOT About ‘Gay’ Marriage: It Is ALL About Destroying The First Amendment!

  1. Joe,

    It will be the destruction of the USA as well. God will see to it as sure as He rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. When the greatest nation on earth backslides into total depravity after being blessed by God beyond measure it will seal our fate. We go from spreading freedom and liberty to spreading destruction and hate.

    God’s will be done.

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