FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL LAW: There Can Be No Liberty Without Religion

[NOTE: originally, I had used the term ‘Humanist’ in this post.  I was corrected — and rightly so — by a reader, Veracious Poet.  I have since edited this post to account for this correction, and written another post in reply to Veracious Poet.  You can find that reply here.]

I have written about this principle before, but it cannot be argued to often: there can be no liberty without religion.  By religion, I mean a belief in God and in judgment in the next life for our actions in this one.  Our founders believed this, and they did their best to preserve their reasoning in writing so that we would not forget it.  But it is not just our founders who understood this lesson.  The Atheist understands it as well, but more than that, the Atheist understands that liberty can only exist where  the people believe in the God of the Bible.  That is why they have and continue to be so consistent in their attempts to eliminate Jews and Christians.  I know this to be true because they have said so.

There is really only one struggle in this world, but it manifests itself in many different ways.  That struggle is between those who believe in and worship the One True God, the God of the Bible, and everyone else.  Make no mistake about this, because it is a fact.  We all worship because we must. The only question is who or what do you worship?  Jews and Christians worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Pagans worship false gods; gods of their own creation.  And Atheists worship themselves.  They make themselves into their god.  I know because they have openly said so.  For the sake of this post, I will refer to all the many ‘flavors’ of Atheism collectively by using the term ‘Materialists.’ It may be interesting to note that, as one of the primary founders of this ideology, this is also the term Marx preferred.  Either way, the Spirit that motivates these people is the same.

One of the most influential founders of Materialism was Frederick Nietzsche.  Nietzsche spoke for them all when he said:

“Since there is not any God and since human beings are only graduate beasts without any souls and without immortality, men should not therefore follow a system of ethics or morals.  The natural law of force should prevail in the universe.”

Therefore, the Materialists only mission in life is to gain power for power’s sake.  Because they do not believe that morality exists, they believe that the ends justify the means, and those ends are always whatever they want at any given time.  Consequently, anyone who opposes them is an obstacle to be destroyed — including other Materialists.  However, the Materialists recognized that those who believe in God are a powerful force of opposition, specifically those who believe in the Bible.  This is why, when he was asked what his mission in life was, Marx  they said:

“To dethrone God (the God of the Bible) and destroy Capitalism.”

The Materialist sees himself as the highest power in the universe.  This is why many of their founding fathers referred to themselves as ‘higher man’ or as ‘superman.’  They even said that this makes man god:

“The turning point of history will be that moment man becomes aware that the only God of man is man himself.”

— Ludwig Feuerback

And they admitted that the God of the Bible is the primary obstacle to making themselves into their own god:

“Now this God (the God of the Bible) is dead!  You higher men, this God was your greatest danger… Forward, higher men!  Now at last the mountain of man’s future is about to give birth.  God is dead; mow it is our will that superman shall live!”

— Frederick Nietzsche

But, if the masses hold to their belief in God, then they will hold to their obedience to God’s laws.  And if they hold to God’s laws, they will not surrender to our support the Materialist and his agenda.  Thus, the primary obstacle to the Materialist is God, and that means their first priority is to kill Him so they can remove any traces of His law (i.e. morality).  This is why, in his manifesto, Karl Marx said:

Our program (Communism) “abolishes eternal truths; it abolishes all religion, and morality… it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.”

Is this starting to explain what you see happening in our society today yet — especially in politics? It explains why Materialists have no concern for human life: because they see no value in any life but their own.  It explains why they have no reservation about lying, or about switching positions, or making alliances with people who may not necessarily be trying to achieve a common goal with the Materialist.  All that matters to the Materialist is the acquisition of power, and that requires that he first kill God and eliminate any trace of God’s law.  Our founders knew and understood this, and it is why they said that religion is necessary to the function and preservation of a free and self-governing society.

Today, he has been removed from our collective memory, along with the role he played in the founding of this nation, but at the time of the Revolution, America considered him one of the three most important men responsible for its success.  So Dr. Benjamin Rush speaks for the founders when he explains the importance of religion — any religion — when he says:

“Such is my veneration for every religion that reveals the attributes of the Deity, or a future state of rewards and punishments, that I had rather see the opinions of Confucius or Mohamd inculcated upon our youth than see them grow up wholly devoid of a system of religious principles.  But the religion I mean to recommend in this place is that of the New Testament…”

But we shouldn’t accept that Dr. Rush is speaking for the majority of the founders.  This would be fallacious.  Fortunately, Justice Story lends us a hand in understanding what the founders actually believed, and again, he was there, so he knew the truth better than any of us can:

“The real objective of the [First A]mendment was not to countenance, much less to advance, Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity [Atheism], by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects [denominations].”

[Rush said this because, even if they worship a false god, at least pagans have a moral code.  The founders understood that infidels (i.e. Atheists) have no morality except their own desires.  So Rush is telling us that religion, and through it, morality is so important that he would sooner see the nation ruled by pagans than by Atheists.]

So, the founders said that the Christian religion is necessary to the preservation of liberty and to our Constitution?  Actually, yes, that is exactly what they said.  What’s more, until the arrival of Materialism, this nation knew and understood this:

“It [religion] must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure [Constitution] rests… In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity; that, in its general principles, is the greatest conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions.  That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendents.”

Now, admittedly, these words were written by a disreputable source, THE HOUSE AND SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, 1853-1854!

The truth is simple:

This nation was founded by Christians, and on the general principles of Christianity.  Read the posts under the heading “AMERICA’S CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION.”  You will find it at the top of this page.

The Materialist recognizes God and God’s laws as his primary enemy.

The Materialist also recognizes that, as a Christian nation, America is the greatest representative of Christianity in the modern world.

That is why this nation has been under attack by the Materialists for more than a century, and why the Materialist — and not Islam — is the greatest enemy this nation has ever faced.  It remains the greatest enemy we face.

And the extent to which the principles and ideals of America’s founding have been lost, it represents the success of the Materialists in their goal to eliminate America, Christianity and God from the face of the earth.

Now, if you want to know how we fight this enemy, I would suggest you start reading with Ephesians 6.


There is a ping-back in the comment section of this post.  It will take you to something written by another blog where the author attempts to refute this post.  While I would in no way suggest you avoid this other bloggers argument, I would strongly advise you be very careful before accepting it.  Whoever this blogger demonstrates a very flawed understanding of the rules governing logic.  They start by asserting that I contradict myself in this post, but I cannot find the contradiction.  In fact, the thing this other blogger claims is a contradiction is actually asserted as fact in Romans 1 and 2.  What I do find, however, is that this other blogger has predicated his/her entire argument on a false assumption: in this case, the assumption that the only thing that exists is the material world.  As it can be demonstrated that there is more in the universe that we can perceive than just matter, this assumption is false.  That makes it a fallacy, and since everything else this other blogger assert is based on this false assumption, it makes their entire argument fallacious, as well.  It also means they have failed in their attempt to refute my argument.   So, if you happen to read the other post, please keep this in mind.

11 thoughts on “FUNDAMENTALS OF NATURAL LAW: There Can Be No Liberty Without Religion

  1. I have been thinking that there can be no truly Just system of Law without there being a moral structure which precedes it.

    Without religious morality the Law would be merely a codification of the social hierarchy which wrote it.

    1. Don,

      Yep. And that is why Voltaire said that, if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. 🙂

      It is also an indirect proof of His existence — much the same way they proved the Boson Particle (or whatever they called it). In order for such a thing as a fixed, universal moral law to exist, it must have a lawgiver who is above the constraints of logic. That lawgiver would be God. So, if we can demonstrate this law exists, we have an indirect proof that God exists. Well, we can do so. Everyone — and I mean EVERYONE expresses a notion of ‘ought,’ or what should be as opposed to what is. It does not matter whether we accept the Bible, Islam or Marx’s Materialist ‘ought,’ the fact that the notion of ‘ought’ is universal to humanity is all we need to prove it exists. From that point on, all we are arguing is what the true nature of that moral law happens to be 🙂

  2. Humanists are different from Atheists. Humanists, generally, believe in morality whereas most atheists don’t. Cooperative Humanism permeates all religions and infact it contributes to making the world a better place.

    Jesus was deeply concerned about the welfare of humanity. Therefore, in a way, he was a humanist. I don’t know how you define humanism.

    1. Veracious, you are using the term in a slightly different way, but, whether you are aware of it or not, you are still using it inside the limits of the definition I have described. I know you may not agree, and I mean no offense by it, but it is true. I’ll think about writing a post to explain why I say this. It may help.

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